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底下是 Statistics for Business- Decision Making and Analysis (PNIE)(2版) 的內容簡介
In addition to providing cases and real data to demonstrate real business situations, this text provides resources to support understanding and engagement.
1. A successful problem-solving framework in the ''4-M Examples'' (Motivation, Method, Mechanics, Message) model a clear outline for solving problems.
2. ''New What Do You Think'' questions give students an opportunity to stop and check their understanding as they read.
3. New learning objectives guide students through each chapter and help them to review major goals.
4. ''Software Hints'' provide instructions for using the most up-to-date technology packages.
5. The second edition also includes expanded coverage and instruction of Excel? 2010 and the XLSTAT? add-in.
作者: Robert A. Stine, Dean Foster
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/07/25
- 語言:英文
商品網址: Statistics for Business- Decision Making and Analysis (PNIE)(2版)
商品網址: Statistics for Business- Decision Making and Analysis (PNIE)(2版)